NBO Declaration Form

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When arriving at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA), all passengers must complete a Passenger Declaration Form (Form F88) and present it to Customs officials. Below are the details of items that need to be declared:

  1. Animal and Plant Products
    • Includes any animal or plant products, microbes, biological products, and human tissues.
    • Declaration: Yes
  2. Valuable Articles and Goods
    • Residents: Articles and goods valued at or exceeding USD 500 or equivalent brought from overseas.
    • Non-Residents: Articles and goods valued at or exceeding USD 500 or equivalent which will remain in Kenya.
    • Declaration: Yes
  3. Alcoholic Beverages
    • Spirits including liquors exceeding a total of 1 litre, or wine exceeding 2 litres.
    • Declaration: Yes
  4. Perfumes and Toiletries
    • Perfumes and toiletries exceeding a total of 1 litre, with perfume not more than 250 ml.
    • Declaration: Yes
  5. Tobacco Products
    • Cigarettes, cigars, cheroots, cigarillos, tobacco, and snuff exceeding a total of 250 grams.
    • Declaration: Yes
  6. Currency
    • Currency or monetary instruments exceeding the equivalent of USD 10,000.
    • Declaration: Yes
  7. Commercial Goods
    • Goods of commercial value, trade goods, samples, and advertisement products.
    • Declaration: Yes
  8. Filming Equipment
    • Any filming equipment.
    • Declaration: Yes
  9. Other Articles
    • Any other articles including firearms, dangerous goods, and prohibited articles.
    • Declaration: Yes

Prohibited Goods at NBO

Certain items are prohibited from being imported into Kenya, including:

  1. False money and counterfeit currency.
  2. Pornographic materials.
  3. Matches with white phosphorous.
  4. Unauthorized use of Armorial Ensigns or Court of Arms.
  5. Harmful distilled beverages.
  6. Narcotic drugs under international control.
  7. Hazardous wastes.
  8. Soaps and cosmetics containing mercury.
  9. Used tyres for light commercial vehicles and passenger cars.
  10. Certain agricultural and industrial chemicals.
  11. Plastic articles less than 30 microns thick.
  12. Worn underwear garments.
  13. Counterfeit goods.
  14. Any goods prohibited under East African Community regulations.

Restricted Goods at NBO

Some items are restricted and require specific permits for importation:

  1. Postal franking machines.
  2. Traps for game animals.
  3. Unwrought precious metals and stones.
  4. Specified arms and ammunition.
  5. Ossein and bones treated with acid.
  6. Ivory and other animal products.
  7. Ozone Depleting Substances.
  8. Genetically modified products.
  9. Non-indigenous species of fish or progeny.
  10. Endangered species and their products.
  11. Psychotropic drugs.
  12. Historical artifacts.
  13. Specified parts of guns and ammunition.
  14. Telescope sights suitable for use with arms.
  15. Certain collectors’ pieces or antiques of guns and ammunition.

Duty-Free Allowances

Passengers aged 18 and over are entitled to the following duty-free allowances when imported as accompanied baggage:

  • Spirits, including liquors not exceeding 1 litre, or wine not exceeding 2 litres.
  • Perfumes and toiletries not exceeding 1 litre in total, with perfume not more than 250 ml.
  • Cigarettes, cigars, cheroots, cigarillos, tobacco, and snuff not exceeding 250 grams in total.

Important Notes

  • It is an offence under the East African Community Customs Management Act, 2004 to provide false information to a Customs Officer.
  • Offences are punishable under Section 203 of the Act, including confiscation of the goods.

Passengers are advised to complete the declaration form accurately and consult Customs officials if unsure about any items. This ensures a smooth entry process and compliance with Kenyan regulations.

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